Anatomia de Grey está a doar as suas batas e luvas para combater o coronavírus

A série televisiva Anatomia de Grey está mesmo a doar as suas batas e luvas para ajudar os hospitais no combate ao coronavírus. De acordo com o que foi reportado pela Refinery29, uma iniciativa de caridade foi iniciada pela série e por Krista Vernoff, dirigente da Station 19.

Em comunicado, pode ler-se: “Na Station 19, temos a sorte de ter cerca de 300 máscaras N95, sendo que doámos todas elas aos bombeiros locais. Eles ficaram extremamente gratos. Em Anatomia de Grey, temos uma série de batas e luvas, que também acabaram todas por ser doadas”.

O texto completo pode ser lido no Instagram de Krista:

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"Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping." . To the entire team @theresidentonfox, thank you for this incredibly generous donation of #PPE from your set, including gowns, masks, gloves, and all the things our healthcare workers need to provide safe care for our community during #COVID19. . Yesterday, I had a serious discussion with the residents about how, though supplies are low, a magical shipment of masks is unlikely to arrive. And yet, a magical shipment of masks DID arrive, in the form of this very generous gesture. This kind of community support means so much to our #frontlineproviders who are making many sacrifices to staff our hospitals and care for our community. . Thank you, @theresidentonfox and @foxtv for being helpers. We needed this kind of good news today. . PS: Sorry it's not a great pic, but the focus was not on the photo at the time. Similarly, the team @theresidentonfox are good citizens doing good deeds and not looking for a shout out. Though I encourage all to support The Resident and the great team behind the show and to pay their good deed forward any way you can. . #Hurstlife #residentlife #emoryIMresidents #lookforthehelpers #gratitude

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